About Sharon
Welcome to The Therapy Studio, the home of my psychotherapy practice. My name is Sharon Murphy and I am a Gestalt Psychotherapist.
The word Gestalt comes from the German language meaning ‘the sum of the parts is greater than the whole’. We are all so much more than the issues that might bring us to therapy.
At The Therapy Studio I offer both in person and online therapy sessions. Whether we meet in person or online, I offer a warm welcome, a listening ear, and a safe, confidential space to explore together the issues that have brought you to therapy.

Why People Come to Therapy
Clients come to therapy for a variety of reasons. Some are experiencing anxiety, depression, or relationship difficulties. Some are grieving. Some are dealing with the impacts of trauma or with health issues. Some might be supporting a family member through a diagnosis. Some are not quite sure why they are seeking therapy – they just know that they want to feel more, experience more, live more.